Thursday, March 15, 2012

Beware the Ides of March

Well, it certainly was the Ides of March today.  The ham bands were brutal and were up and down like a rollercoaster all day long.  In all, I managed to work thirty-one stations today in JT65 and PSK-31.  The big excitement today was working JQ1TIV, Satoshi Yoshida in JT65.  Japanese stations are very rare for me here in the Piedmont of North Carolina, and I take ‘em when I can get ‘em. 

I’m suffering with a bronchial infection that exacerbates my COPD, so I’m pretty much at home for the time being.  Yesterday I did get out for a while to see my GP who prescribed some Avelox and Prednisone to help me through.  But it just takes time to recover.  In the meantime, I can #occupyhamshack, watch FOX news all day, and just fiddle around. 

I received several QSL cards in the mail today and was happy to see that two of them were from #hamtwitnet friends.

I’ll be playing around a bit this weekend with the following contests.

  • Russian DX Contest
  • Oklahoma QSO Party
  • Virginia QSO Party
  • North Dakota QSO Party

Have fun this weekend, and I hope to hear you in the ether or catch you on twitter!


Pete, WB0LCW said...

I wondered if maybe the CME would mess with HR today - I think heard that the spot that emitted the flare is now facing away from us, so that should be it from that imp. Here's to better days ahead! 73

Pete, WB0LCW said...

PS sorry to hear you're not feeling very well... hoping for better conditions there soon too!