I really enjoyed the trip to Myrtle Beach. It was so nice to spend time with family and friends in such a wonderful setting. We had family meals and late night card games, and, of course, beach time. The kids, as they usually do, enjoyed the beach more than anyone else. I probably gained a few pounds, but I’ll never know, because I’ve vowed to never step on a scale again. I don’t need the frustration!
I had the TS-480 all set up in the Explorer and it worked well enough with the 20 meter whip. I made a few SSB contacts, one of which was a very nice QSO with a visitor at W1AW. Betty was very concerned about operating the station while the vehicle was in motion, so we had that conversation a few times, and I finally retreated. Yes, I should have let her drive, but it’s just not in my DNA. Maybe as I age more, I’ll be able to so that.
The biggest disappointment was the weak power signals I had hoped to work while at the beach. The problem was not with the transceiver or the antenna, but with the netbook and the software. The screen on the netbook would not quite accommodate the JT65HF, because the software doesn’t allow the window to be resized to fit the screen. Yes, I should have worked with it before I left, but I didn’t, and I learned a powerful lesson. I did manage to work some PSK31 using DM-780, but it was uncomfortable and I decided I need to have a full sized laptop to make all this happen. My $HAM dollars are running low, so this is not going to happen for a while since other $HAM projects have priority.
I am solid into working JT65HF now. I just made my 308th unique contact this morning, and I’m feeling very happy about JT-Alert installed on the computer. The best page for reviewing JT65HF stats is:
KR4RO [ EM95 ]
Count: 337
Bands: 40,20
Avg Sig: -12 dB
Heard in: 65 grids
Best DX to VK3ABC
RB Grid: QF21mm
15955 KM at -25 dB on 20M
I know I need to branch out and go back to working other modes, but JT65HF is a real lazy man’s mode. I find that I can work JT65HF, play hearts, and watch Fox News all at the same time. That’s too much temptation for a retired guy.
Speaking of working other modes, I actually had a CW QSO on 20 meters this morning. KG5WY was kind enough to put up with my left foot keying and my lack of copying skills for long enough to get in a full QSO. It’s been so long for me, I was truly embarrassed at how poorly I did. I still cannot use the Bencher. I try, but it doesn’t respond to my ham fistedness. I used the old NYE Viking straight key I bought in 1988 when I was a novice. I worked a lot of CW in those days, and I became proficient enough to pass the 13WPM general test. I now wish I had hung in there. There is probably no better DX mode than CW.